Monday, April 15, 2013 @ 8:48 AM

Assalamualaikum and bonjour :)

      Today I would like to tell a short story about the few things I like to do. Hope it's enjoyable cos yknow I'm boring and shit.


      Reading. Yes. It's one of my mostest (whatttt) loved hobby kot. It brings me to another world, with every new book I read, each every author has their own way of expressing a place. How amazing their imagination, that they could drag us readers into their mind and see what they see. It's such a brilliant experience. Believe me. And I just love the smell of books. I don't care if they're those old books in libraries or new books fresh from the shelves in bookstores. They all smell truuuuuuly amazing.


      And this. Yes. My most favourite thing to do. I'll do it anywhere, anytime I can. It's a little bit like reading, because you get to dream. And in dreams, your mind just brings you to a whole other world, right? And you never really get to know what happens next, so it's just the same like reading, excluding the reading. 


       Wait. I think this is my most most mostesest favourite thing to do. Playing the piano. It's my only way to release my stress, tension. Going a day without playing the piano is like living without a heart. Like, no joke. I go to school at 7am, and get back at 7pm and so I only that little time to enjoy my time with my beloved piano. I get all anxious if I don't. See how much I love playing the piano? You can't imagine it haha -,-


        But this is my mostesesest favourite thing to do. Not morning texts, I mean, just texting. But more known as Whatsapping. Yes. Especially whatsapping this one guy that plays drum in a band. Not especially, actually. Just whatsapping him. Yes. Hihi :3
